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NFL Flag @ The Rock

NFL Flag Official League

Coaching and Team Guidelines


A coach should be enthusiastic without being intimidating. They should be sensitive to the children's 
feelings and genuinely enjoy spending time with them. A coach should be dedicated to serving children and understand that football provides physical and emotional growth for its participants. Remember, NFL FLAG is for the children. 
1. A coach needs to realize that they are a teacher, not a drill sergeant. They should help children learn and work to improve their skills. Personal gains are never a consideration. The job does not depend on winning. The best interest of the child transforms into the best interests of the game. 
2. The safety and welfare of the children never can be compromised. A coach will consider these factors above all others. 
3. Be patient. Don't push children beyond limits in regards to practice. Children have many daily pressures – the football experience should not be one of them. Playing football should be FUN! 
4. Care more about the players as people than as athletes. The youth football program is a means to an end, not an end in itself. 
5. A coach should encourage players to dream and set lofty goals. It is important to remain positive and refrain from discouraging remarks. Negative comments are remembered far more often than positive affirmations. 

6. Remember that the rules of the game are designed to protect the participants, as well as to set a standard for competition. 
7. Never circumvent or take advantage of the rules by teaching deliberate misconduct. A coach who puts his or her opponents' team at risk should not be involved with children. 
8. Be the first person to demonstrate good sportsmanship. Take a low profile during the game and allow the kids to be the center of attention. 
9. Parents and players place a lot of trust and confidence in the coach. The coach has an important role in molding the athletic experience of the child. 
10. A coach can measure success by the respect he gets from his or her players, regardless of victories or defeats. Children who mature socially and physically while participating in sports are the best indication of good coaching. 


1. Parents should not coach in conflict to what the coaching staff is teaching. In practice or in the game please do not coach from the sidelines. Please do not enter onto the field or into the area of the team’s bench during play. Please do not sit on or behind the team's bench during games. This only causes confusion for players who are learning to play with their team.

2. Parents, if you have a question or concern about the decisions of the coaching staff, you should speak only to the HEAD COACH before or after practice and never during a practice or at anytime before, during or after a game, also feel free to call / e-mail / text. Each coach of NFL FLAG @ The Rock is familiar with all of the team guidelines and expectations. Our coaching staff works together as a TEAM to show the kids a living EXAMPLE of TEAMWORK.  

(Please do not approach any individual coach talking negatively about another coach on this staff, since that would breakdown what we are working so hard to build…TEAMWORK! If you have an issue with a coach on staff, you do have a right to meet with our coaching staff to address that issue. This can be done after you have initially presented your concern to the HEAD COACH and given him an opportunity to address the concern himself.)


3. Please be on time to all games and practices, the players cannot drive, therefore the parents are responsible for getting them there on time. We understand completely, the time that has to be put into life, however, if your child is late for practice and or a game it will negative affect the whole team. We consider late for practice to be any time after the starting time and late for games to be anything later than 15 minutes before kickoff. If we do not practice on game days we ask that players be present at least 30 minutes prior to kickoff. 

4. Please make sure your child has water for practices. We will take water breaks periodically during practice. 

5. NFL FLAG @ The Rock is designed to introduce players to real football and prepare them for the next level. We will practice hard in preparation for our games and we will play hard and leave it ALL on the field in competing. We believe that the desire to win is a positive thing however winning at all cost is not. We will practice and play to win but not at the expense of the players on our team. All players will get the chance to improve as the season progresses in practice. Football is a unique sport and becomes increasingly difficult as players advance in age and skill level. The lessons that the game of football teaches when taught properly will last them a lifetime. We will demand their respect, we will give respect and we will not tolerate any player who disrespects the coaches or other players.

A Word From The Coaches
: We are CHRISTIANS and we will pray before each practice and game. We also ask that those of you who share our beliefs, to hold us accountable. We should reflect the teachings of CHRIST in the way we conduct this team. At anytime, you feel we are compromising the Gospel then please call us out (in accordance with rule #3). We covet your prayers and your support. Parents, we expect to have a GREAT football season that your son and daughter WILL advance from this team a BETTER football player and more importantly a BETTER young person. We are honored to be given the opportunity to coach your son or daughter and we thought it would best serve all of us to have a copy of the team guidelines /expectations for the 2022 Spring NFL FLAG @ The Rock League.

NFL Flag @ The Rock

3401 Holmes Ave NW 
Huntsville, Alabama 35816

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